Methyl Ethyl Ketone Is Used In a Factory In Canada

Time:2023-07-11 16:52:56

Case Introduction

Batong Chemical has been working with customers in Canada for many years. When cooperating with customers from different countries, we try to find out their requirements and follow their needs, to provide a professional and timely service.

For all the customers there are a few universal things. Quality of the product, timely shipment, good communication, and competitive pricing. For the following customers in Canada, timely shipment and high-quality products were a priority. Before starting our cooperation they had already learned about our company from other customers in Canada. They had learned that we have our tank farms, railway lines, and logistics companies. With the help of a third-party organization that they dispatched to our tank farm, they were able to personally identify the quantity of our products. We always welcome this kind of partnership and investigation, as they further strengthen our position in the market.

Next, they took into account our own logistics company, which was a confirmation for them, that products will always be shipped on time, as we do not have to rely on third parties for shipment. For chemical materials shipping procedures are complicated and strict, and not many logistics companies have the right manpower and experience to handle those.

Thus, by doing their research online and also confirming the quality of our products, the customers in Canada were confident that our cooperation would be fruitful. And they were not wrong. This factory mainly produces leather, and they use MEK (Methyl Ethyl Ketone) as a solvent in the production process. As the factory continues to expand, they purchase MEK from our warehouse area as a key raw material for manufacturing leather.

We will continue to provide professional service to the best of our ability and hope the business of our customers continues to expand.

Methyl Ethyl Ketone Is Used In a Factory In Canada

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