Which Drugs Use Butanone As A Raw Material

Time:2023-10-10 16:58:00 industry-news

Butanone (methyl ethyl ketone, or MEK) is a common organic solvent mainly used to manufacture coatings, adhesives, and inks. Although butanone is primarily used in the coatings and adhesives industry, it is also used as a raw material for certain pharmaceuticals. Here are some drugs that use butanone as a raw material:

  1. 1. Thiol antibiotics: Butanone can be used as a synthetic raw material in drug formulations such as cefathiamidine.
  2. 2. Anti-inflammatory drugs: Butanone can be used as a solvent in drug formulations such as methyl salicylate.
  3. 3. Antipyretic analgesics: Butanone can be a solvent in drug formulations such as paracetamol.
  4. 4. Anticancer drugs: Butanone can be used as a synthetic raw material in drug formulations such as cyclophosphamide.
Which Drugs Use Butanone As A Raw Material

Although butanone has certain applications in the production of these drugs, it is important to note that butanone itself has a certain level of toxicity and irritancy. Therefore, strict adherence to operating procedures and safety measures is required during the drug production process.


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